Here are some scenes from our first week back from spring break. We had a good week together.
Scenes from Show and Tell.
The kiddos got a chance to share something special with the class.
Then, during center time they wrote a piece about the item they brought to class.
Check out the beautiful handwriting. This guy has worked hard and really improved his letter-writing skills.
Those Tricky Teen Numbers
A number of the kids are still working on reading and writing teen numbers so I introduced Teen Tangle this week. It is similar to Twister, but kids are placing body parts on teen numbers that are called out. This was an engaging way to review those tricky teens. You can easily make one at home.
All you need is a dollar store shower curtain and a Sharpie marker. I have made a popcorn word version of this in the past, as well.
After reading a warm-up book, the kids participated in a word-making activity with Mrs. Fisher.
ABC Patterns
The guys are busy creating ABC patterns during math center time.
BIG Thank you!
These guys took on a major project during inside recess.
On their own, they decided my whiteboard needed a thorough cleaning.
By the time they were done, it was sparkling clean. Nice job, guys!